This was an experiment that Heather and I have been tossing up back and forth for about two weeks now.  We weren’t sure exactly how to execute it, but we finally pulled the trigger yesterday morning when we decided we were going to attend our first meat-up hosted by Stacy and Matt, of Paleo Parents fame.  We have lived in this area for some time and always had or found an excuse to not go, but it was absolutely amazing!  We also spent some time chatting with The Domestic Man.  Both of these blogs are great resources, if you’re not already aware of them.
If you are in the Northern Virginia area, I highly suggest you attend. If not, try to get together with friends monthly–the positive reinforcement and social gathering is very powerful.

Ok, enough preaching.  We threw these together for the gathering, and while I’m not sure they were perfect, I was pretty happy with the outcome.  The idea started as another “bacon-wrapped jalapeño” fill-in-the-blank, but then grew into a twice-baked sweet potato fantasy.  Here’s what you’ll need to make your own:

  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • 6 strips Whole30 friendly bacon
  • 10 jalapeños, halved and cleaned
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • smoked paprika (for sprinkling)


1.  Chop bacon into small chunks, peel (and shred) sweet potatoes, and halve and deseed jalapeños.
2.  Sautee bacon over medium heat to soften (no more than 2 minutes) and then add shredded sweet potato.
3.  Cook for 5 minutes, stirring regularly.
4.  Once cooked through, allow to cool and then place into blender or large bowl to mash.  Add salt and pepper.  At this point, preheat oven to 375ºF.
5.  With a spoon/spatula, fill jalapeño shells with mashed bacon and sweet potato mixture.
6.  Bake for 10-12 minutes.
7.  Remove and sprinkle with roasted paprika.
These were very hot, I think in large part due to the fact that Whole Foods only had gigantic jalapeños. Smaller sized peppers would definitely help.  Also try this mixture in mushroom caps or non-spicy peppers.  It is a great flavor finger food that’s also pretty filling.  We hope you enjoy!


  1. 1. These look delicious! I have a bunch of mushrooms sitting in my fridge with an invisible question mark hovering over them as I try to decide what to cook…so maybe I will try your suggestion of making these into stuffed mushroom caps.

    2. Where were these meat-ups when I still lived in the DC area? I'm so jealous- Paleo Parents, The Domestic Man, and your blog are three of my favorite bookmarks. I hope I'll be able to attend sometime when I'm back in the area.


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